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Web Solutions
Web Application Development

Our Team Core Skills

Programming Languages

C, C++, Java, Cold Fusion

Application Development

Java, VB 6.0 and VB.NET

Internet Technology

Microsoft Centric
ASP, VBScript, COM, D-COM, MS Dot.Net Technologies, MS Transaction Server, MS Site Server, Microsoft Content Management Server, MS Commerce Server.

Other Technologies
CGI/Perl, PHP, WEB Logic, Javascript, XML, XSL

Database Tools
MS-SQL Server 7.0/2000, MS-Access, MySQL, ORACLE - 9i

Designing Tools
Adobe Director, Flash, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Acrobat, Illustrator, SMIL, HTML, DHTML, MS Front Page

Operating Systems
UNIX, LINUX ES 3.0, Windows.NET Server 2003

Apache 1.3, IIS 5.0 and IIS 6.0

Streaming Media Development
Real Audio, Real Video, Windows Media Player, MPEG & Avi

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If you are interested in receiving further information about Corporate Website Development Services in Mumbai India, Please call us on +91-22-65292523 | +91-9702297898 or Contact Us or email us on sales@effervescent.in